
6 月 27, 2019


When you walk into a casino, your first thought probably isn’t, Look at how sustainable this place is! Casinos are designed to blow you away with the spectacular, not impress you with the sensible.

Nevertheless, casinos are taking sustainability seriously, says Sloan Director of Strategic Accounts Jeff Gilmore.

“Everyone has an ear toward sustainability, even in gaming,” Gilmore says. “Of course they’re about keeping the guests happy, first and foremost, but they do have tremendous water and sewer costs, so the financial impact of water savings is real and tangible.

Gilmore exhibited for Sloan at the BITAC Casino & Gaming trade show in Scottsdale, Arizona earlier this month, where sustainability was a leading topic. Here’s a recap of his takeaways.

High Efficiency Without Sacrifice

Gilmore attended several sessions at the BITAC event that discussed sustainability. He says the goal is to provide “high efficiency without sacrifice. There’s a fine line between making your facility more sustainable and keeping the guests happy.”

Today’s younger guests, however, see sustainability as a plus. Gilmore says, “Demographics are changing, and sustainability is part and parcel of the new demographic. Gamblers are younger and more in tune with environmental impacts.

He points to MGM Resorts as a leader in sustainable casino design, and two of that company’s achievements are worth highlighting:

  • 拉斯维加斯美高梅大酒店 (MGM Grand Las Vegas) 大幅降低了对附近米德湖的依赖。自 2000 年以来,米德湖的水位已经下降了近 13%。 如今,该酒店 100% 的外部灌溉用水和 60% 的冷却塔水来自于水井,在 2018 年可减少 21 百万加仑的用水。 2018.
  • 曼德勒湾会展中心 (Mandalay Bay Convention Center) 的屋顶上有一个 6.4兆瓦、20 英亩的太阳能电池阵,可抵消高达 20% 的峰值用电需求,足以为 1,000 户家庭提供一年的电力供应。

Since reduced electricity usage contributes to lower water usage as well, these two efforts signal an enormous dedication to water savings in an area — the Mojave Desert — where water sustainability is paramount.


“Architects, designers and owners are devoting more time and energy to what the casino restroom looks like and how it functions,” says Gilmore. “It’s an important phase of the building design, since it’s maybe the most frequented space in the building other than the casino floor itself.”

He names several key design considerations:

  • 免接触式水龙头冲洗阀 “人们真的不想触摸公共卫生间里的任何东西。”Gilmore 说。 免接触式水龙头还能减少高达 40% 的用水量。
  • 水龙头和冲洗阀的替代能源供应。 太阳能涡轮技术可为水龙头电容器充电,使电池寿命延长到预期的两到三倍。
  • 向连接组件发展的趋势。 内置的诊断、可编程和维修计划 — 正如您将在我们的智能 Optima® 水龙头产品线中所发现的 — 更易于维修、维护和和调整以优化水管理。

“As casino restrooms evolve, there’s also an emphasis on wellness as well as sustainability,” says Gilmore. “They really go hand in hand. Architects and designers are looking for all those elements, and they all play into the specification process.”

Sloan helps architects, designers, engineers and building owners create stylish, sustainable restrooms for hospitality and entertainment venues worldwide. Want to know more? Talk to Sloan!

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