
5 月 27, 2021

商业卫生间反思: 数字时代的选型

在今天的数字时代,建筑师和设计师群体有大量的产品和设计可以选择。 虽然这项任务似乎比较艰巨,但它也创造了一个机会,可以为即将到来的项目指定理想的解决方案 — 从美学到可持续性以及介于这两者之间的一切。

因此,仕龙等商业卫生间制造商正在努力创新在线解决方案,为建筑师和设计师在选型过程中抢占创造性设计的先机。 仕龙战略客户总监 Jeff Gilmore 正在帮助领导这场数字革命。

What spawned the origin of the industry’s digital specification resources?
Architects and designers are faced with the important task of finding the right products for a specific project. But this can often be a tedious process with a myriad of options at their disposal. And with time being of the essence for many of these projects, it’s equally important to not fall behind on your timeline right off the bat.

简言之,建筑师、设计师和工程师在选型流程上花费了太多时间。 现在,有了像仕龙 DesignSpec 这样的创新,这个过程比以往任何时候都更高效、更轻松,可以帮助创建完善的规格文档包。 我们明白,您的规格文档包不应该仅仅是一个清单,它应该是经过精心设计的产品概览,能够体现您的愿景。 DesignSpec 使创建这一产品概览的过程更加简单、直观、快速。

但是,您展示的产品也应该是为每个项目量身定制的。 仕龙的产品搜索工具,例如“水龙头查询器”,可以根据喷嘴设计、电源类型、标价等多种选择,帮助您找到最完美的水龙头。 花时间筛选您不感兴趣的产品的日子已经一去不复返了!

How is Sloan helping to spark creativity in the specification process?
At Sloan, we act as an extension of your design team to kickstart the creative process. It’s our goal to help cut down on time spent on research and exploration, while finding clean floor plans and elegant materials. Sloan Room Ideas help achieve this in just a few clicks with pages spanning a number of markets including high-end restaurants, fitness centers, coworking spaces, luxury hotels, and more. Each page offers inspirational photos, lists of Sloan products that make them possible, and even complementary products and materials that make the perfect accents. You’ll also find links to download assets for your spec submittal package, including hi-res images and BIM/CAD files.

作为商业建筑中访问量仅次于主大厅的第二大空间,卫生间在给客人留下积极、深刻印象方面有着巨大的潜力,而有凝聚力的设计是这背后的主要驱动力。 现在,借助于仕龙的产品集系列,设计师只需下载一次即可将具有相似美学特征的仕龙产品打包。 这些产品在战略上相互配合,从它们的几何形状到定制的特殊表面处理,激发了当今现代卫生间环境中的统一设计。

How are online resources helping to achieve sustainability goals?
Just as the commercial restroom plays a leading role in a guest’s impression of a building, it also plays an important part in a facility’s sustainability goals. Achieving LEED status is a primary objective of many of today’s most notable projects, and when you consider that the majority of a building’s water consumption takes place in the restroom, finding sustainable products is a key component in specifying a sustainable restroom.

正因如此,仕龙铭记我们的可持续发展承诺,用我们的节水产品和在线资源来帮助建筑师和设计师实现可持续目标。 仕龙的可持续性计算器让用户能够根据特定仕龙产品的输入将节水量制成表格,同时还可以将使用仕龙产品的建筑物的用水量与 LEED 基准线进行比较。 仕龙的绿色产品查询器是另一种帮助选型者追踪带有认证和符合信用分要求的绿色产品的方式,从而打造可持续建筑系统。

这是与仕龙主题专家进行的一系列问答环节的第 27 部分,内容涉及他们对商业卫生间的历史、发展现状以及未来走向的看法。 点击此处阅读关于卫生间设计灵感的上一篇文章。

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