Water Problems. Solved.
Learn more about all of our product launches and innovations, as we explain the everyday problems Sloan technologies solve. Our white papers offer an in-depth look at the features and benefits that makes us the industry leader.

Commercial Restroom Design Trends: Latest Industry Findings & Insights
Public restrooms in commercial buildings are undergoing a shift due to a number of societal, health-related, and technological factors. While touchless fixtures in restrooms are not new, the COVID-19 pandemic has generated greater interest in these products and the desire for an entirely hands-free experience in public restrooms. Additionally, public discourse around gender inclusivity is changing the way interior designers approach the design of these facilities, and there is a rise in more all-gender/family style restrooms in commercial buildings.

Gaining an Accurate Estimate of Water Demand in Buildings
Estimated peak water demand is customarily used to size a building’s piping system. But with Covid-19 and other pathogens, a higher demand for sensor-activated and high efficiency fixtures has increased the need for more accurate demand calculations given a large variety of water dispensing fixtures.

Sloan Building Commissioning Guide
Guide to properly clear (flush) commercial restrooms prior to re-opening your building

Flushometer Preventative Maintenance
In a busy commercial restroom, a manual flushometer may only deliver five years of service. Get ahead of the curve and head off maintenance issues before they start.

Reality Check: The Keys to a Successful Water Savings Project
“Proper planning prevents poor performance.” As many contractors and building owners have learned, this concept is essential for any retrofit project to reduce water consumption.

The TruFlush Flushometer for Global Communities
The design and engineering of Sloan’s TruFlush flushometer make it the perfect, water efficient solution for increasing access to clean, affordable sanitation in global communities.

Down the Drain
The PERC I study uncovers that toilet paper, pipe slope and flush volume are the key variables in determining whether drain lines might be predisposed to a clog.

Gaining Perspective on Water Efficiency Through LEED v4.0
The new LEED v4 rating system expands the Water Efficiency section to include all types of water use — process, appliances, cooling towers, outdoor water and fundamental metering requirements.

Drainpipe Considerations for Reduced Water Urinals
Today’s water-efficient urinals perform equally as well as—or, in most instances, better than — inefficient older products.

The Role of Electric Faucets in Healthcare Infection Control
A comprehensive explanation of the relevant issues concerning the role of electronic faucets in a healthcare facility’s bacteria protection strategy.

Diaphragm or Piston Flushometers? It Depends…
Picking the correct flushometer technology for a given installation calls for good, current information about how and where the valve will be used.

The Battery Balancing Act – Technology vs. Application Needs
This paper evaluates battery options for sensor-activated commercial restroom faucets as a means to better understand the advantages and disadvantages of each type.

Flushometer Performance with Reclaimed Water
Reclaimed water makes sense for flushing toilets and urinals, but commercial facilities should be mindful of the negative impact this harsher water can have on plumbing systems.

The AER-DEC® Integrated Sink
The AER-DEC is the perfect innovation for any high-end washroom, with soap dispenser, faucet, hand dryer, and sink basin in one highly efficient system.
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